Welcome to our web page!
After you learn more about us, we hope that you will come by to worship the Lord with us soon.
We are a small part of the thousands of local congregations and over 20 million members of the Seventh-day Adventist church worldwide. In nearly every nation around the globe, you will find members of this community of faith bound together by a shared hope and expectation of the triumphant return of our Savior.
Consider to be the most ethnically diverse as well as one of the fastest-growing denominations in the United States, Seventh-day Adventist are committed to proclaiming the New Testament gospel as taught by Christ and His apostles to go into all the world.
As indicated by our denominational name, we honor the 7th day Sabbath of the fourth commandment, which Christ made for all mankind at the time of Creation.
You may learn more about the Second Coming, the Bible Sabbath, and many other points of faith derived from the Holy Scriptures by visiting Adventist .org
If you are looking for clear, uncompromising Bible teaching, for hope in the midst of the current chaos and a place where prayer is a priority, I invite you to come by on Saturday morning or mid-week prayer service soon.

Pastor Mark Cockerham